
You may or may not be happy to be pregnant. Either way, our Useful Links section can point you to further information to help you decide what to do. Being pregnant or needing to take time out with a new baby may affect your studies, but can be a positive experience if you know your rights and the support available.

The Equalities Act 2010 prohibits discrimination because of pregnancy or maternity in employment, education or for obtaining good and services. You’re protected in laws if you’re pregnant and within 26 weeks of giving birth.   

You should not be excluded from the University, from your studies or the Students’ Union just because you are pregnant or needing to take time out. The University procedure on Extenuating Circumstances can help you deal with exams or assessment deadlines that you’ve missed because of unavoidable hospital visits, check-ups or related issues. 

And if you are needing to take time out from your studies, or the workload is backing up, speak to your Personal Tutor about your options, including deferring your studies. We’d expect the University to treat you sympathetically, whether you’re the mother or a co-parent. The University’s Pregnancy and Maternity Policy for students is available through the Student Services A-Z.

Also check how your student finance and your benefit entitlement can be affected. If you’re a Home student, or in some cases a European citizen, you may be eligible for additional support. Contact your Students’ Union Adviser for a full assessment of your rights before, during and after your baby is born. We can also discuss with you other support you need, including your housing options.

Pregnancy & Maternity Useful Links