We are currently experiencing issues with students being able to log in to our site.
You may not be able to book tickets for events, manage society pages or carry out your usual activities. We are working currently to resolve this issue.
In the meantime please email us at greenwichsu@gre.ac.uk with any/all queries and we will work to respond to you as quickly as possible.
LGBTQ+ History Month runs every year as a staple in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Queer, Intersex and all who fit in the plus of sexuality and gender.
The Check-in Service is a helpful, friendly and reliable student-to-student service.
Whether you’re having a great time or you’re having some challenges, the Check-in Service would love to hear about it.
Find out more >
Get entry to all Wavey Wednesdays, all Balls, the Varsity after party and all Welcome club night events for the rest of the academic year! Now just £50!
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Recognising staff of the University of Greenwich who go above and beyond.