



Pauline McFarlane
Head of Student Wellbeing Service

University of Greenwich

How does it feel to be a woman in leadership here in Greenwich?
As a woman of colour in a leadership position at the University I feel empowered to develop and implement a vision of a Student Wellbeing service which is accessible, inclusive and impactful.  I am surrounded by colleagues who share and demonstrate these values on a daily basis and this really does make a difference.  It can sometimes feel lonely in my position and so I have learnt that it is important for me to draw on my internal and external networks which include friends, family and colleagues who help me stay grounded in my authentic self. I also hope that being visible in a leadership role will encourage and inspire other women who want to progress their leadership careers.

Tell us about your career journey, and how you ended up at Greenwich.
I was clear from the outset of my career that I wanted to be of service and I also had a keen interest in human behaviour and development.  I was the first in my family to go to university and undertook a Diploma in Personnel Management, followed by a degree in Psychology and further studies. This led me into a 20 year career working as a Human Resources practitioner, progressing my career through a number of management and consultancy positions. I have had a great career working in a number of public sector organisations including Local Authority, Probation Service, Housing Associations and Further and Higher Education Institutions.  

I came to work at Greenwich within the Human Resources department in 2012 and it was at a time where there were a number of reorganisations taking place which included the reorganisation of the Directorate of Student and Academic Services.  I was successful in my application for the role of Head of Student Wellbeing Services in 2013 and therefore transitioned into a new career which meant that I was at the forefront of the development of a new student support service for disabled students.  I lead an amazing and talented team of specialist and professional colleagues who are inspirational.  

What tips would you give to the women at Greenwich today? Any top tips to empower women in the University of Greenwich community?
- Be your authentic self
- Strive to do your best, but also be gentle with yourself especially when things do not go to plan.
- Keep on learning and growing so that you can be adaptable to change
- Surround yourself with positive people as they can become life-long friends, your cheerleaders and a great source of wisdom and knowledge.
- Get a mentor and/or a coach to help you navigate the various life and career transitions.


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