Start up Form

For a New Society or Sports club/Team


Being a Student Group Leader for a society or club is great fun. You gain friends, skills and experience which can help improve your time as a student. It is also beneficial for life after university.

By completing this form, you are agreeing to represent the university and Student’s Union and commit to the following:

  • To attend all relevant training provided by the Student’s Union when requested.
  • To run the Student Group in line with the Union Constitution and Bye-Laws, with specific reference to Bye-Laws on Sports clubs & Societies.
  • To hold at least one event or activity per term for group members.
  • To hold a leadership committee election annually during the designated election period.
  • To ensure that new leadership committee’s details are provided to the Student’s Union at the close of the designated election period.


Please confirm you have read and agreed to the above:   *


About You & the Student Group


Name: *


Email address: *


New club/society name: *


Please select a category which you think your society/club best fits: *


 Activities & games

 Campaigning, awareness & support

 Cultural, religious & belief

 Music, performance & media

 Sports club (must be competitive)


Please provide a description of the student group: *


At least one aim of the student group: *


At least one event/activity idea: *


Committee and Group Members


You must have at least three committee members. One of these must be a President/Chairperson. Please provide the details below for each committee member:



Name: *

Student number: *

Email address: *

Phone number: *



Name: *

Student number: *

Email address: *

Phone number: *



Name: *

Student number: *

Email address: *

Phone number: *


Would you like to add more committee members? *




Additional Committee Member 1



Student number:

Email address:

Phone number:


Additional Committee Member 2



Student number:

Email address:

Phone number:


Additional Committee Member 3



Student number:

Email address:

Phone number:


According to the SU Bye-Laws, all student groups must have at least 6 members. Please get 6 students to put their details below indicating they would like the student group to be set up (this can include the committee). Please note this does not make them members, they will have to pay their membership fee once the Student Group is approved and their Union webpage created.


Name: *

Student number: *


Name: *

Student number: *


Name: *

Student number: *


Name: *

Student number: *


Name: *

Student number: *


Name: *

Student number: *




What Happens Next?

Our activities team will review your form, if they need more information you will be contacted by email and may be asked to come in for a meeting to discuss your form.

All new clubs and societies must be ratified either through Team Greenwich Executive Committee or Societies Executive Committee. These committees meet regularly and will discuss your form and make the decision on whether to approve the student group.

In the meantime please have a look at the group leader’s handbook which contains all the information you need to be a successful group leader.

If your form was successful, you will then be invited to attend training on how to run a student group which will cover the basics of finance, marketing, getting and keeping members and other useful information.

If you have any other questions please contact for more information.