
The Criminology Society is an academic community that seeks to bring together and help all students with an interest in the field of criminology during their university journey.

Who are we?


Welcoming Message

We are proud to welcome all students with an interest in the field of criminology from the University of Greenwich.

The primary goals of the society are to promote understanding and discussions on various topics related to criminology, to increase cohesion among students through a Godfather and Godmother system, and to introduce students to different career paths in the field of criminology. In this way, the Criminology Society intends to organize social events through quiz nights, picnics and nights out, to hold guest speaker events, debates, trips, and many other events.

We love creating a community for people into the strange and mysterious, and we cannot wait to meet you all and have so much fun at our events. See you soon!


Upcoming Events


Committee Members 


Follow us on social media

Instagram: @uogcriminologysociety





Buy your membership

  • Criminology Society Membership£5.00


There are no scheduled events. Contact us for future events.