National Student Survey

Event run by Website
Tuesday 30 April 2024
1am - 11pm

  • Insights & Research


Each year, we ask final year students to share their views about their time at the University of Greenwich, from day one to today. We ask you to shout out about the great things that happen, and tell us about things you’d like us to learn from and make better for the future.

At the website you can enter the draw to receive one of five £100 shopping vouchers. If selected, we have also made it possible for you to be able to nominate a charity of your choice to receive a donation of £500.

We know that you will have charities that are important to you and who no doubt will welcome the additional support from your donation after the challenges of the past few years.

The feedback you provide is really important and valuable - it helps us to always strive to provide the best possible student experience, and to continue to improve and grow with our students.

You can ask your programme leader and the Students' Union about the NSS. You can also find out more on their website: