#Gym4Everyone – supporting Disability History Month at our gyms

Event run by Greenwich Students' Union
Monday 18 November 2024
9am - 7pm
Greenwich & Avery Hill campuses

  • Avery Hill
  • Disability History Month
  • Greenwich
  • Insights & Research
  • Sports
  • University



The University’s Sports & Active Life team are teaming up with GSU to offer free gym access to disabled students and staff during Disability History Month.

The scheme runs throughout the entire month, 18 November to 20 December.

To sign up, please email sports@gre.ac.uk and quote #Gym4Everyone to join the campaign.

You must register for an induction – you will also get access to a Gym Buddy, who can help you feel safe and welcome in our gym spaces.


How do you currently use university gyms and how could the buddy system best work for you?

Throughout the month we are surveying disabled students and staff about #Gym4Everyone and your general experience of using the facilities.

Fill out the survey now. All responses are anonymous, and your feedback will help us to both deliver the current scheme and implement permanent changes going forward.

The survey closes on 11 December.