Campus Creators

We believe Avery Hill campus needs student leaders to bring some energy and excitement to the campus.

That’s why we’re asking for ‘Campus Creators’ to step forward and propose an activity or event that they would like to see take place on campus! Whatever it is, if it’s possible, we’ll help make it happen!

As part of our Campus Engagement Project, GSU will help to support the logistics, funding and promo – we’d just ask you to be the driving force!

If you’ve got an idea, complete the form below, and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible!



Your name:

Student ID:

Student email: 

Tell us about your event idea:

When and where would you like your event to happen?

In a few words, why do you think people would be interested in attending this event?:

Do you consent to be contacted by GSU about upcoming activities, events and projects?