Student Council

Student Council is the decision making body for the whole Students Union, that means that if you want to make change Student Council is the place to be.

Any student can attend Council, but only elected officers  can vote. Any student can also submit a motion (link to section), or ask questions to their elected representatives.


Submit a motion



What Goes On


There are several things which go on at every meeting of student council, the chair will give apologies for those who can’t make it, then the officers will give their reports (the written versions can be seen here (link to reports)), and any student present can ask questions to the officers. You can also submit a question to an officer, or about a report, here (link to reports). The council will then vote to accept or reject each officer’s report, in this way the council can then make a judgement on the actions of the officers who are elected to represent the student body. The council will also hear about what goes on at each of the four subcommittees, more info on the subcommittees here (link to subcommittees).

There are other types of business which will only happen if necessary, these include any announcements the chair has to make, and any motions made to council. A motion outlines the facts of an issue, proposes what the Union’s stance should be, and what action it should take to attempt to resolve it. It’s a call to action to the Union on any issue that a student wants to bring forward.

Any student can submit a motion (see how to below (link to Submit a Motion page)), a subcommittee or Officer can also submit motions. Each motion will be discussed and council will debate its impacts, and then will vote on whether to pass it. If a motion passes then the council will need to decide which subcommittee it goes to, the subcommittee will then discuss how to take action on what the motion suggests.





To submit your own motion, please download the ‘New Motion Template’ form.

Complete it and send it back to us via email. If you have any questions or just want to talk it through then drop us an email!


Student Council Papers
