Goals, mission, values and outcomes GSU Plan 2026 Our Impact

Collage of images of students with strategy title underneath

Our goal.

We want students to become their best at Greenwich and beyond.

Our mission.

We will unapologetically strive for equity in all that we do, and we promise to have your back to support and empower you on your journey through Greenwich.

Our values.

Empowering, Courageous, Inclusive, Trusted, and Approachable.

Our outcomes.

We will focus our team and our time to represent your interests, working with you as members to ensure you have access to:

The best quality and inclusive education.
Develop skills to be life ready.
Be the best you can be while they study.
Find where you belong at Greenwich.
Take actions to protect our planet together.



GSU Plan 2026

At Greenwich Students’ Union (GSU) we’re proud to have made transformative change over the last few years by acting on your feedback and working with you - our members - to make our democracy more accessible, develop the quality and scope of our member services, improve our physical spaces and transform our communication methods.

Recently recognised as a Quality Students’ Union, GSU now has an established physical footprint at our three campuses in Avery HillGreenwich and Medway, supported by our online spaces.

Our new strategy - GSU Plan 2026 - sets out our action plan that will take us into our next phase of development, ensuring you as members are able to shape future opportunities and services. Our role as your Students’ Union is to continually evolve our offer for the members of today and future generations.

Click here to read our plan in full, or read on below to see what our plan is all about.



Our Impact

At Greenwich Students’ Union (GSU), we have regular conversations about the impact of what we’re doing. These have been particularly key as we've navigated our way through the pandemic to ensure we're doing the best for our members and supporting their journey at Greenwich to the best of our ability. 

We feel that the impact of our three year Big Plan - even with the disruption brought on by Covid-19 - was positive and something to be proud of. Our last Impact Report shows the strength of our growth over the length of The Big Plan, as well as being candid about where there is still room for improvement. You can see all of our previous Impact Reports at greenwichsu.co.uk/impact.

We are also working towards Quality Students' Union and Green Impact accreditations to benchmark our work and get further insight into what we're doing well and how we can develop.