Help articles

Electing your Leaders

As a democratic organisation all of our committee members must be elected or co-opted to their roles by the members in their group. All elections must be free and fair.

Committee Admin and Meetings

Running a society takes a lot of planning and organisation, as well as meetings with your committee members to plan future events.

Managing Complaints and Conflict

When engaging in something you're passionate about, there can be disagreements and conflict. How conflict is handled can significantly impact the delivery of a student group.

Access Student Group Emails

How to communicate with your members - add an email and send messages through your admin tools

Creating the Right Membership

When creating your student group, deciding on the membership price is probably one of the first things you think about!

Completing Core Documents

As student groups are a legal part of GSU, it is a requirement that student groups complete and submit several official documents each year to ensure that we remain legally compliant.

Committee Wellbeing

Running a student committee can be really stressful, especially alongside your studies and other commitments. We understand that tasks and meetings might be piling up, so we want to make sure you don't reach burn out.

Committee Responsibilities

Student groups, academic societies and sports clubs are at the centre of most people's university experience. All student groups at GSU are run but student volunteers are called committee members.

